Well, that went by fast. Summer that is.
And as we enter the Labour Day long weekend, it is time to take stock of the
last few months and remember what we all came here for as we re-enter the
routines of autumn. I don’t know what you did/learned/talked about, but here’s
my five for the Summer of 2010.
1) Waiting for the Bus
This happened a lot. But in this case the
context is outside the fact that one goes to their bus stop by a pre-arranged
time and wait a couple of minutes for the city’s public transportation to show
up as scheduled. But then, when you make it downtown, there was the indignity
of watching the bus you needed to transfer to drive away without you. Then, to
add insult to injury it seemed to come as almost a surprise to city councillors
at a July meeting that our transit system needs improvement. Perhaps if more
city officials were dependent on the bus, they wouldn’t need a consultant’s
report to tell them that changes are needed.
2) Dealing with Road Construction
I have a philosophy about the weather: of
all the things in the world to complain about, why would you complain about the
weather? Can you change it? Can you make a rainy day sunny by thinking about
it, or via some kind of weather-changing device? That’s what I thought. Well
the same can be said about road construction. Sorry kids, but when you’re over
five years behind on infrastructure repair and the government throws money at
you to get ‘er done, you’re not going to refuse the opportunity. After all,
today’s road closures avoid tomorrow’s sinkholes.
3) Getting Bitch Slapped for Being an
Not sure where all the litigation came from
this summer, but first the police slammed shut the doors of the Medical
Cannabis Club of Guelph and then the city bylaw officers started slapping
postering fines on anyone with space available to a concert, a screening or a
protest. Granted, I’m biased given one of the hats I wear is Co-Chair of Ed
Video Media Arts Centre (PS: See our ad on whatever page it’s on in this issue
of Echo), but still, with the Alma Gallery closed and Manhattans smoked out,
the number of venues in our fair city is dwindling. Never has a piece of 8 and
a half by 11 piece of colour paper generated so much red tape.
4) Waiting Patiently for Fall
Perhaps it’s the American election cycle of
one-after-the-other, but I’ve been dying in anticipation for the start of our
municipal election season. But while it’s been fun to watch the scorecard in
Wards One and Two fill up, it’s been something of a struggle to get candidates
to sign-up in the other four wards. In the last couple of days though (before
press time anyway), a few people have put their names forward for the school
board elections, so I’ve got my fingers crossed that this is the trickle before
the rainfall. You can’t say that there’s not anger out there, and people are
looking for options. So let’s give it to them.
5) Finding New Reasons to Love the Royal City
Despite our problems, there’s still a lot
to love about the City of Guelph. Aside from the usual summer trappings like Hillside and Art on the Street,
the festival circuit was joined by the first ever editions of the Guelph
Electronic Music Festival and Top Freedom Day. As well, the Guelph Jazz
Festival has added a Nuit Blanche program, which will feature all different
types of music and art installations across the city. You may not be able to
DIY promote your own show, but if you keep your eyes open, there’s plenty to
get excited about.
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